Math Emojis
☺️ I love math
😀 It's so cool.
😁 Started a new research project!
🤣 Let $\epsilon< 0$?!*
😎 Finally know what a topos is.
😍 OMG category theory.
😮 Zorn's Lemma is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
😲 Tychonoff's theorem is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
😵 Is everything equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
🙊 Wow. Math is hard.
😨 What language is this?
😑 Seriously, what do these symbols mean?
😢 I literally know nothing.
🖐 Wait.
🤔 I know epsilon's not negative.
😆 *snort*
🤐 Gah! Must... focus...
🤗 Okay, I have an idea for a proof.
😖 Ugh. Dumb idea.
🙏 I have another idea. Please work. Pleeeeeease.
😤 Grrrrr! None of my ideas are working!
😩 Why is math so hard?
😳 Because it's the language of the universe?
🤔Oh. That's kinda... amazing.
💪 Alright, I can do this.
☝️ Let me try one more time.
☕️ But first, coffee.
🍫 And chocolate.
🤤 I love chocolate.
😱 OMG my proof worked!
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
☺️ I love math.
😀 It's so cool.
😁 Started a new research project!

* "Let $\epsilon < 0$" is officially known as The World's Shortest Math Joke.
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